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You are here > Main Index / Suggestions / Got an Idea?

Got an Idea?


posted : 07.12.2003

If you have any ideas on how we can further improve the bullybusters website add them here. We will be sure to take note of all your suggestions and see what we can do to include them in site upgrades.



posted : 11.03.2005

I think you should some how get more peolpe involved so they can be helped or can help other people. Also you should DEFIENTLY have a live chat room so we don't have to keep posting messages, it get's VERY confusing! Please could you sort this! I need help but there is no one there to help me! Thank you


posted : 11.03.2005

The message board, and indeed the website has only been active for a couple of weeks. We hope more people will use it in the future.

Live chat is very difficult for us to supervise; also a message board like this is very good at creating an archive of discussions to share advice with future visitors to the site.


posted : 13.03.2005

i think you should have a special area for the members

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UNLESS STATED: Advice given on this message board has not been given by proffessionally trained support staff from Bully Busters. If anyone requires advice on complex issues they can do so via the confidential freephone helpline 0800 169 6928 .
The message board has been set up for you to exchange ideas and communicate with other young people.
Thank you