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You are here > Main Index / Problems? / Welcome



posted : 07.12.2003

If you have any problems using this site, add a message here and we will contact you as soon as we have corrected it.



posted : 14.04.2005

if you started a forum or whatever they're called when does it get deleated? can you deleate your own topic or is it if no one answers to it for a certain lenght of time?

does that make sense?


posted : 14.04.2005

No you can't delete your topic. We like to keep a list of questions as someone may anser it eventually.

The idea of this forum is to build up an archive of shared experiences and advice. The forums are listed in order of last posted, so the latest stuff is always at the top.

If we find we have thousands of messages we could look at deleting the really old ones but as yet this is not a problem.


posted : 28.01.2006

No one answers to my posts on the forums!

post reply

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UNLESS STATED: Advice given on this message board has not been given by proffessionally trained support staff from Bully Busters. If anyone requires advice on complex issues they can do so via the confidential freephone helpline 0800 169 6928 .
The message board has been set up for you to exchange ideas and communicate with other young people.
Thank you