Cyber Bullying 

What is cyber bullying?

  • Creating and distributing embarrassing images/videos.
  • Sending abusive and threatening messages via text message, social networks or instant messaging.
  • Making abusive phone calls.
  • Creating pages about a particular person to embarrass and upset them on social networking sites.
  • Stealing an online identity to cause trouble or embarrass the victim.

Cyber bullying also known as technological bullying and e-bullying can;

  • Affect someone at home as well as in school.
  • Take place in the virtual world and spread quicker than the common cold.
  • Be hard to identify who the bully is.
  • Reach many people at once and some may not even realise they are being bullies.

What can I do if I am being cyber bullied?

  • Tell someone you trust about what is happening so they can help resolve the online bullying. (Parent/carer, family member, teacher, Bullybusters, Child Line.)
  • Do not reply to any nasty messages you receive.
  • Do not delete the messages and show them to someone you trust.
  • If the problem is serious enough, contact the police.

Top ten tips to stay safe on the internet:

  1. Treat your password like your toothbrush, don't let anyone else use it.
  2. Never respond to unknown emails.
  3. Never give out personal information about yourself and others.
  4. Do not post videos of violence and humiliation; use mobile phones to get help, not to hurt or embarrass others.
  5. Remember this is real life and not a movie.
  6. Never use an instant messenger to spread rumours or argue with others.
  7. Always ask the person before posting personal information.
  8. Remember once you have done it, you can't take it back.
  9. Use technology to learn and to have happy times, not to abuse, humiliate or put people at risk.
  10. Who are you going to call if you need support? Bullybusters !

If you have any questions or need to speak with someone at Bullybusters click here to contact us now >