What do BullyBusters do?

BullyBusters can help and support children, young people, parents or professionals who are having difficulties dealing with bullying.

Our confidential free phone helpline 0800 169 6928 can be the start to stopping Bullying.  

  • We offer a listening ear and never pass judgement on the issue you are calling about
  • We can give you helpful tips, so you can help yourself and most importantly KEEP SAFE!
  • We can call your Parents/Carers or School on your behalf to discuss the issue's with them, if you find it hard to speak to them yourself. (We would only do this with YOUR permission)
  • We work within Schools and other organisations sharing the ANTI-BULLYING MESSAGE
  • We offer mediation to help solve on-going bullying and work with everyone involved, without making the problem worse for the person who is being bullied