Choose Respect 

This year, national anti-bullying week is focusing on the theme ‘Choose Respect’. From 12th to 16th November the Bullybusters will be visiting local schools to create awareness for the theme and spread the message of choosing respect to young people.

Throughout the country, the message to choose respect over bullying is being spread within schools and other locations to help young people, parents and professionals create awareness for themselves and others regarding anti-bullying.

The week aims to educate and help young people understand and define the word ‘respect’ and to encourage more acceptance towards others both face to face and online.

Here is what respect means to the Bullybusters team members...

‘Appreciating differences, accepting that everyone’s different but equal. Importantly doing what we can to make another’s day better!’ - Natalie


You need to respect yourself as you’re most important, it starts with you and ends in others’ - Sherrell


‘Respect for me is one of the most important qualities to have and show. If we can’t respect ourselves then how are we supposed to respect others. I feel is it something we should all have and work on daily, not only learning to love and respect ourselves but also showing this to fellow peers and professionals.’ -Fran


What does respect mean to you?