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Website Evaluation Survey

1. Have you ever had a visit from BullyBusters in your school?


1a. Do you understand what bullying is?

1b. Are you aware of the different types of bullying?

1c. Do you know about the effects of bullying?

1d. Do you know who to go to if you are being bullied?

1e. Did you learn anything from BullyBusters visit?

1f. Did you enjoy BullyBusters visit?

1g. Did you feel the trainer knew about bullying issues?

1h. Would you follow the advice BullyBusters gave you if you where being bullied?

Please tell us the name of your school:



2. Have you used BullyBusters Helpline service?



2a. Did you call BullyBusters about yourself?

2b. Did you call BullyBusters for someone else?

2c. Did you find the member of staff helpful?

2d. Did the member of staff offer to contact the organisation the bullying was happening?

2e. Would you call BullyBusters again if you needed to?

2f. Has speaking to BullyBusters helped to resolve the bullying?



3. Would you like to comment on our website?



3a. Have you used the website for advice for yourself?

3b. Have you used the website for advice for someone else?

3c. Did you find the advice helpful?

3d. Did you contact us via email?

3e. How long did it take for us to reply to your email?

3f. If we have replied to an email did you find the information useful?

3g. Would you recommend our website to someone who needed advice about bullying?

3h. Please give us any comments or recommendations you feel could improve our website and our service.



If you would like us to contact you please fill in the details below:

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