The Bullybusters Team

0800 169 6928

Our Team



I have worked for Bullybusters for almost 10 years!

The thing I love about my job as a Bullybusters is how open  

the children are we work with, they are our best teachers!

I often get overwhelmed when we see the young people who we

have worked with for a few years on reaching their personal goals by

attending college and getting accepted into their chosen university.

 I spend my spare time walking with friends and often bring

Hugo the Frenchie…and after all that walking it’s time to relax and

enjoy a cup of Cappuccino PERFECT!!


 ‘What makes you different is what makes you, you.’



I have worked for Bullybusters for 3 and a half years.


I love my job, seeing the young people and talking honestly and

openly to make school a better place.


I like; Liverpool FC, cake, EastEnders and concerts.

I’ll talk about these things all day long!


‘We are all different and that is what makes us special and we

should embrace our differences.’